Plants & Trees Grown in Bolivar

We grow all of our own annual bedding plants, perennials, hanging baskets, herbs, and vegetables . We mix all the soil ourselves with 3-4 month Osmocote micronutrient fertilizer.

Most of our trees are grown onsite also. We were having a hard time years ago finding the right trees for the right price. We now grow 80% of what we stock in our own tree mix. Osmocote micronutrient fertilizer is also added. That way we know we are selling a healthy tree for the right price.

When we can’t grow it, we purchase plants from two of the top 5 nursery growers in the country, Greenleaf Nursery Co, and Sester Farms Nursery.

Heavenly Creations Greenhouse

Starting a new home garden or landscaping project? Contact Boliver’s best greenhouse today and get your questions answered.